Thursday, June 26, 2008

If it acts like an Ay-rab, it should look like one.

We didn't do much today. I wanted to take it easy today, my knee was really hurting. But I wanted to do something with her. Last night I wormed her. Oh boy was that fun. Next time I do that, I will be wearing shoes. No flip-flops, not a smart idea. She knew I was scared she would step on my feet, so she kept trying to get as close as she could to them. >:[ I finally got pissed off at her, flicked the lead rope hard once, told her whoa dammit, and then she stood there.

Today I braided her mane. If she wants to act like an arab, she can look like one. That's about it for today. It rained, and her stall is flooded, so probably nothing tomorrow. She's supposed to get her shots anyways.

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